The link to each free pattern is within each post, which may involve a free registration at some websites.

To make it easy to find a free pattern you'll enjoy following, all the patterns are ranked by difficulty level; Super-Easy, Easy, Medium & High.

Unfortunately, patterns are forever disappearing or links changing.
Please drop me a note if you have any problems :)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Organ Grinders' Monkey

Looks like one of those monkeys that you see in old movies, dancing while a man turned the handle on his small organ.

Medium to High level of difficulty.

{free crochet pattern here} 
Link updated 22 July 2012 ~ pattern is no longer available on the original site, but I found a copy of it (without photos) in the Wayback Machine's archives.


  1. The pattern's link is wrong ):

  2. Thank you so much for letting me know!
    I'm amazed at the number of larger websites that change their "permalinks" & how often it happens.
    Now I know, I can go searching for it :)

  3. Oooh look! I found it on the wayback machine archive already :) Post updated.


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