The link to each free pattern is within each post, which may involve a free registration at some websites.

To make it easy to find a free pattern you'll enjoy following, all the patterns are ranked by difficulty level; Super-Easy, Easy, Medium & High.

Unfortunately, patterns are forever disappearing or links changing.
Please drop me a note if you have any problems :)

Saturday, 16 May 2009

No-fat Donuts

You've heard of low-fat donuts? 
Well, these are guaranteed NO fat donuts!

Easy to medium difficulty.



  1. mmmm they look delicious, as well as the cake, for sure my stuffed animals will love them! (~_^) thanks a lot!

  2. lol... and they won't get fat!

  3. Um..... I just have a question on your doughnut amigurumis. After you ch. 12 what stitch do you sl st in to make a chain???
    If you could let me know asap that would be great!

  4. Amigurumi are soooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
    Great for lil kids to play with or whatever!


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