
Monday 27 July 2009

Tonsillitis Sucks

I've been AWOL for the last week with a bad case of tonsillitis. You don't want the details.
You really don't.... Bleagh.

But you'll be pleased to know I'm recovering and getting back up to speed on the things I've neglected, like this blog.


  1. i'm glad you're starting to recover!! :D Thank you so much for taking the time to find all these amigurumis for those of us who love making them!! :D YOU ROCK!!

  2. Espero que estés recuperada, te he echado de menos.

  3. sorry you were sick and hope you are up to par very soon!!! Take care of you and drink lots of water :)
    I love your blog thank you for it :))

  4. Thank you all for your kind wishes!

    It was a pretty bad bout of tonsillitis, so I'm pacing myself and won't be posting as often for a while.

    Still, it's nice to be missed :D

  5. I love this site! Thank you very much. The patterns are all vary adorable.
